Basic Safety Training
Personal Survival Techniques STCW 95/ Sea Survival
Elementary First Aid STCW 95 / Basic 1st Aid for Fishermen
Fire Fighting and Prevention for Fishermen
Safety Awareness for Fishermen
Further Training
2/5 day Navigation and Watchkeeping course*
2 day Engineroom Watchkeeping course
1 day Intermediate Fishing Vessel Stability course
GMDSS Short Range (Radio Operator) Certificate
*In respect to Navigation and Watchkeeping – the difference between the 5 day and the 2 day watchkeeping course, is that the 5 day course allows you to fish beyond 30nm from a safe haven; and take out up to 12 passengers to a maximum of 20nm from a safe haven. The 2 day course however only allows you to fish up to 30nm from a safe haven and carry up to 12 passengers out to a maximum of 3nm from a safe haven. Due to the enhanced content and broader benefits of the 5 day course we tend to offer this course more frequently.
Please note: that the qualifications gained apply to the person and not the vessel – i.e. The vessel will have to meet other legal requirements.
Acceptance of under 16.5m Skippers Certificates for small commercial vessel operations
The Under 16.5m Skippers Certificate is recognised by the MCA for use on Small Commercial Vessels as follows:
Under 16.5m Skippers Certificate (beyond 20 miles) may be used on Small Commercial Vessels operating up to Area Category 3 (up to 20 miles from a safe haven);
Under 16.5m Skippers Certificate (up to 20 miles) may be used on Small Commercial Vessels operating up to Area Category 6 (up to 3 miles from a nominated departure point named in the certificate and never more than 3 miles from land, in favourable weather and daylight).
Full details on the ‘Training and Certification Requirements for the Crew of Fishing Vessels and their Applicability to Small Commercial Vessels and Large Yachts’ can be found in Marine Guidance Note 411